Free Father’s Day eBook from Gospel Translations

Similar to the free ebook offer on Mother’s Day, Gospel Translations is giving away a free Spanish language ebook as a Father’s Day gift.

This ebook entitled “Encouragement for Fathers (espanol)” is a collection of 10 John Piper articles on fatherhood and parenting.

The links to obtain these books are below.   Depending on your reader, you may be able to load the books simply by clicking on the link.   Otherwise, you may have to follow the instructions below.

Please let us know if you run into problems

Mobi format (For Kindle)


Instructions – Click on the link to download ebook onto your computer. To load onto your Kindle, attach device to computer. Using a file management utility on your computer, move the ebook file (in .mobi format) over to the Kindle “Books” folder

ePub format (For Nook and other readers)

Instructions – Click on the link to download ebook onto your computer. To load onto your Nook, attach device to computer. Using file management utility on your computer move the ebook file (.epub format) over to the Nook “Books” folder.

From Gospel Translations – Mother’s Day Spanish eBook Giveaway

Gospel Translations is giving away a free Spanish language ebook as part of a Mother’s Day gift. Encouragement for Mothers (in Spanish) is a collection of John Piper articles on motherhood and parenting.

The links to obtain these books are below

Mobi format (For Kindle)

Instructions – Click on the link to download ebook onto your computer. To load onto your Kindle, attach device to computer. Using a file management utility on your computer, move the ebook file (in .mobi format) over to the Kindle “Books” folder

ePub format (For Nook and other readers)

Instructions – Click on the link to download ebook onto your computer. To load onto your Nook, attach device to computer. Using file management utility on your computer move the ebook file (.epub format) over to the Nook “Books” folder.